Saturday (Sunday Vigil): 5pm
Sunday: 8:30am & 10:30am
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:45am
Wednesday, March 19 @ 8:45am
Join us to celebrate our patron saint, Saint Joseph, on his feast day!
Weekend Masses
March 16-18: Parish Mission 2025
The Call to Holiness: Man, Woman, Marriage, and Family
The wait is over...the St. Joseph Parish Mission begins this weekend and will be held on the evenings of March 16, 17, and 18 at 7pm in Church. Join us to hear Father Sal Shevchuk and his wife, Halyna Shevchuk, present "The Call to Holiness: Man, Woman, Marriage, and Family".
Join us as we deepen our understanding of who we are as men and women, reflecting on the beauty and sanctity of family life.
March 16 - “Becoming a Man, Balancing Work and Family, Finding your Legacy”
March 17 - “Maiden, Mother and Matriarch, Biblical World View”
March 18 - “Prayer Life, Growing in a Godly Family and Serving Others”
Weekly Bulletin
March 19 - Feast of St. Joseph
Wednesday, March 19 is the Feast day of our Patron Saint Joseph. Please join us for mass at 8:45am in the church.
We will have the Saint Joseph Table set up. We will be collecting packaged baked goods, canned goods, and other non-perishable items, as well as monetary donations to feed the hungry. All donations will go to the Akron Foodbank.
Confession and Adoration
Service Day 2025
Capital Campaign
Interested in Joining Saint Joseph Parish?
Register Here
or call 330-928-2173
We Look Forward to Meeting You!
Parish Office Address
215 Falls Ave., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44221
Parish Church Address
1761 2nd St., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44221
Office Hours
Monday through Friday 9am-4pm